The “Power of 3” encompasses a solid partnership between industry, education, and government working in concert to build additional capacity, expertise, and continuously improve our 21st century advanced-manufacturing workforce. After this session attendees will be able to: 1. Communicate the benefits of partnering with education and government for more robust, impactful outcomes in the 21st century. 2. Recognize the value and benefits of work-based learning – internships, pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships. 3. Identify the methodology for building competency-based frameworks and have solid examples to use in building your own. 4. Understand the real-world value and benefits of industry-driven national certifications: NIMS, MSSC, Siemens, AWS, SME, etc. 5. Take away several game-changing success stories that have deployed the “Power of 3” effectively for a positive Return on Investment (ROI)